I'm a Christian wife & homeschooling mama, saved by faith through grace. I changed my family's diet from SAD (Standard American Diet) to healthy, delicious & nutritious traditional foods. I've recently discovered there's a name for the way that I eat. It's called Primal or Paleo (I like the diet and think of the men and women who worked hard from sunup to sundown, constantly on the go, eating meat, berries they picked, cheese they made. I do not believe in evolution). No grains, legumes, refined sugars, and no/limited dairy.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough? Don't mind if I do!

I was a little leery of this recipe, I mean, it involves chickpeas. But hey, I've eaten weirder things before. Thanks to my friend, J, for the recipe and link!

Chocolate-Covered Katie made this post called "Want to eat a BIG bowl of cookie dough?" 
Well, yeah! As if it's even a question to ponder.

I used honey and I also added chia seeds. I cut up some Dark Chocolate Truffle chocolate bar my naughty friend, N, gave me. Bad N, bad. Do NOT add chia seeds. They gave it a weird texture. Just don't do it. I am planning on adding some coconut flour next time, I think that'll be superty duperty yummy. You could also use Enjoy Life Chocolate chips for an allergen free chocolate choice. (Available at your local health food store or HyVee).

I have a picture, but I don't know where my camera cord is, so you'll just have to click through and be awed by Katie's pictures. Hers are way better anyway. I'm looking forward to perusing her blog for more yummy, healthy recipes!

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